Monday, June 22, 2009

Best Friends Celebrate our Friend's Birthday Week

Last week was our friend, Kim's, birthday week. Birthday week, bookended by 2 Birthday Weekends, contained many a memorable celebration. A few examples: We met Helen. We ate cake and played darts, which is very different from the usual not eating cake but still playing darts. We also played darts without eating cake. (Best Friends LOVE playing darts. Its what we do.) We went to the horse races. We drank cocktails in a bag. We ate lots of good food. And we went to jimjilbang. Our jimjilbang experience could be the ultimate BFFBlog experience. One story, two perspectives. I LOVE jimjilbang. My Best Friend Zach doesn't really love it. I also LOVE being in saunas. My Best Friend Zach also doesn't really love being in them. So it went like this: I went into every single room they had and ended up a sweaty mess and my Best Friend Zach hung out in the common area playing cards and doing the crossword puzzle. Two very different perspectives, right? That's how we roll. I think we were both glad that our friend Kim had such a fun birthday week, though.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that the Birthday Week was shared by such great BFFs. I'm also glad that the birthday week was mentioned on the most talked about BFFB. I feel honored!
    Kim (Founder of The Birthday Week)


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