Saturday, August 8, 2009

One Continent, Two Vacations....

Recently, BFF-Heather and I have been spending a lot of time in the same country. Why?

Good question. Some might say it's because....... Hmmm, I don't know what some might say.

Well, to fix this 'same country' stalemate, we decided set off in two directions. BFF-Heather went to Hong Kong. I went to Vietnam. Wow. What an experience we had....together...apart.

Let me tell what BFF-Heather learned from this experience. She can tell you her perspective of my experience if she so chooses.

BFF-Heather says that Hong Kong = Pretty Darn Tootin' Alright.

BFF-Heather says that Hong Kong is the best place in the world. She can prove it.

BFF-Heather has been motivated by Hong Kong to get into the financial business...via a financial husband.

BFF-Heather thinks that not all Chinese people are bad.

BFF-Heather would have loved for time to stand still while she was in Hong Kong. She likens her feelings to those of residents of Hong Kong in the mid-90s who were loyal to the British Crown.

BFF-Heather thinks that Hong Kong is pretty darn tootin' alright.

You should go there.....and take BFF-Heather with you. It's what she would want.

One Story, Two Perspectives.....
One Continent, Two Vacations....

1 comment:

  1. yes. I LOVE HONG KONG. i want to live in hong kong. so, if any of our many, many readers know a Hong Kong banker who wants to marry me and bring me to Hong Kong and give me money for dresses, then let me know. please.


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