1. Once you eat kimbap, its gone. Next time you have to get a new one. It must be exhausting to be constantly forming new relationships with your kimbap. But a Best Friend can't be used up.
2. If you're hungry, you can eat kimbap but if you're not hungry you can't. Or at least, you shouldn't. But you can spend time with your Best Friend whether you are hungry or not.
3. You can share kimbap with your Best Friend. You can also share a lot of other things with your Best Friend: waffles, honey ice bread, bagels, pizza, cookies, burritos, almost anything. But you can't share your Best Friend with your kimbap. And any of that other stuff? That would be ridiculous. Can you imagine sharing a waffle with your kimbap? How would you even do that? And the taste would be all wrong. Waffles don't go with kimbap at all.
4. You can take your Best Friend anywhere. Can the same be said about kimbap? Well, sort of. Kimbap is a very portable meal but you can't bring it everywhere because it can go bad. So, a Best Friend has a much longer shelf life (FOREVER) than kimbap.
5. Best Friends can help each other but kimbap won't help anyone. Kimbap won't even help itself, it just sits there.
6. Kimbap can't help you with a crossword puzzle. Kimbap is dumb.
7. At first, it may seem like a good idea to select kimbap to accompany you to a desert island for a month instead of your Best Friend but its not and here is why: kimbap goes bad, even if you had enough for a month, it wouldn't last and it wouldn't stay as delicious; your Best Friend can help you find creatures and plants to eat, well plants at least; you would be lonely with only your kimbap to talk to.
There are plenty more but I am done for now.
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